The Final Stretch

Well the end is finally in sight! With less than three months to go, Ed and I are starting to wrap up our house projects. We’ve decided to drop the basement project and focus on getting the rest of the house baby ready.  I’ve also been focusing on getting US ready.  I’ve signed us up for every class I can find – Baby Safety, Infant Care and two or three others. My doctor’s office works in two hospitals (Sky Ridge and Swedish Hospital) so we are taking all the classes offered at these hospitals.

A few weeks ago we went on a tour of Swedish Hospital’s OB/delivery unit. It was a little overwhelming for me (what the heck did I get myself into!?!) but Ed seemed to enjoy it. And we’ll get to tour Sky Ridge Hospital in November as part of one of the classes. Sky Ridge has mountain view rooms and they offer a personal chef, so needless to say I’m leaning towards that one.  (Although I still need to look into the cost of each of them. Think insurance will cover our meals??)

Next on our baby agenda is an ultra sound Tuesday.  Last week at my doctor’s visit the doctor had some concerns about the size of the baby so they are going to take measurements next week. He acted like it wasn’t a big deal so I’m going with that – no point in stressing about it at this point.  On the positive side, our baby now has hair and eye lashes so maybe we’ll be able to see them on the ultra sound!

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One Response to The Final Stretch

  1. Lauren says:

    woo hoo!! so excited! I can’t wait to see the ultrasound pictures!!

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